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Should you have any questions regarding HVAC services, parts, brands, or energy efficiency ratings, we’re here to offer our assistance.
What does AHRI stand for?
What Does AHRI Mean? AHRI is an acronym that signifies the Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute. This organization is a crucial trade group, assembling manufacturers from the air conditioning, heating, and refrigeration sectors. They came together in 1933 and established...
What are the types of heating systems for your home?
Introduction: Selecting the appropriate heating system for your home is influenced by multiple considerations, such as your home’s size and design, local weather patterns, and your personal energy preference and financial constraints. Different Types of Home Heating Systems and Their...
How are air conditioning systems rated?
Air conditioning units' ability to cool, energy efficiency, and performance metrics are assessed. The unit’s cooling power is usually given in British thermal units per hour (BTUs/hr) or tons, with one ton equating to the cooling effect of an air...
How to read a residential electric and gas meter?
Keeping tabs on your home’s energy consumption is crucial for managing your expenses and spotting any anomalies in usage that could suggest problems. To get started, let’s explore how you can accurately read your household’s electric and gas meters: Finding...
How to maintain your heat pump system?
Heat pumps are an effective solution for heating and cooling your home by moving heat into or out of the interior space, utilizing electricity as their energy source. To maximize your heat pump's benefits and extend its service life, keeping...
How to figure out the appropriate filter size for your HVAC system
Ensuring your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning HVAC system is fitted with the right-sized filter is crucial for air purity and appliance longevity. A filter that matches your system’s specifications will efficiently eliminate airborne particles, enhancing your home’s air quality...
How do I locate the thermocouple on my HVAC system?
A thermocouple is a critical component within many gas furnaces, purposed to monitor the status of the pilot light or main burners. This device, miniaturized in form, is situated adjacent to the flame, where it can generate a slight electrical...
How to use fans to cool your home
Fans present an affordable and low-energy option for bringing down the temperature within your home, and they work best when combined with other methods like shade creation and capitalizing on natural airflow. Different fan types offer various cooling solutions, including...
How to properly ventilate your home
Ensuring your home is cooled effectively isn’t just about cranking up the air conditioning but also optimizing the ventilation throughout your abode. Enhancing the airflow can eliminate overheating and unwelcome moisture, which ultimately contributes to a more pleasant indoor environment...
What are the main types of residential cooling systems?
Rather than fully depending on traditional air conditioning systems known for their high energy consumption, alternative strategies exist for maintaining a cooler environment in your home. Investing in good insulation and installing energy-efficient windows and doors can substantially minimize heat...
What is the most common way to cool your home?
In the U.S., most households—around 75%—rely on air conditioning to keep their living spaces comfortable. These cooling systems are a substantial electricity consumer, drawing about 6% of the nation’s power, which translates to homeowners spending roughly $29 billion on energy...
What are evaporative coolers?
Evaporative cooling systems, commonly referred to as swamp coolers, offer a method of air conditioning that taps into the simplicity of evaporation to chill the atmosphere. This cooling technique draws warm, arid air across damp pads. As the air passes...
What is a thermocouple?
A thermocouple is an essential sensing instrument used extensively within residential heating, ventilation, and air conditioning HVAC units, as well as in furnace systems to gauge temperature levels. This sensor comprises two dissimilar metals, such as copper and iron, connected...
What is a whole-house fan?
A whole-house fan is an integrated ventilation solution designed to cool homes by expelling warm air and drawing cooler external air inside. This system is situated in the attic and incorporates a substantial fan to create air movement throughout the...
What are the top 7 HVAC parts most prone to break?
HVAC systems are intricate, with certain components more susceptible to wear and failure. This can negatively impact the system’s efficiency and function. The following identifies the seven HVAC parts most at risk: Compressor: As the heart of the air conditioning...
What is Radiant cooling?
Radiant cooling is a climate control technology that leverages the cooling properties of water or other fluids to manage the temperature within a space. This method entails circulating the chilled liquid via a network of pipes or tubing embedded in...
Why Is the Air Conditioner Drip Pan Rusted and What to Do?
The AC drip pan, a vital component found beneath the evaporator coil, collects and channels away moisture from the condensation process. This metal tray is susceptible to corrosion over time, and rust formation is a common issue that can result...
What is an absorption heat pump ?
An absorption heat pump operates on the principle of utilizing a specialized liquid to harness and move heat from one place to another. This system shares some similarities with other heat pump models, such as those relying on air or...
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